June 4th to 7th
International Conference on Media, Arts and Interaction. Intermediartes mission is to promote the intersection between the arts and technologies through a series of interdisciplinary activities. This Conference aims to be an interface and a space for dialog and discussion, where the different overlaps of media, arts and interaction awaken new creative approaches in the various fields, bringing together academia, artists and the surrounding community. The focus of Intermediartes is to boost new learning by complementing the training of all those involved, but also to encourage artistic and scientific dissemination.
Download the Program in PDF Download the Intermediartes Session program in PDFThe 6th edition of Intermediartes will take place between June 4 and 7, with the theme Ideas, acts and artifacts of freedom.
Intermediartes therefore invites academics, researchers, artists and professionals to submit theoretical, practical or experimental research articles in the form of short papers, and/or artworks and performances that should explore, but are not limited to, the following topics:
Ana Carvalho (UMAIA); André Baltazar (CITAR/UCP); Bruno Pereira - Chair (ESMAE - P.Porto); Bruno Giesteira (FBAUP); Cristina Castro (ESMAD - P.Porto); Emília Simão (UPT. Porto); Filipe Lopes (ESMAD - P.Porto); Francisca Rocha (Independent Artist & Researcher); Gilberto Bernardes (FEUP); Horácio Tomé Marques - Chair (ESMAD - P.Porto); Hugo Mesquita (ESMAD - P.Porto); José Alberto Gomes (UCP - Escola das Artes); José Simões (USJ - Macau) José Raimundo (ESD - IPCA); Luís Leite - Chair (ESMAD - P.Porto); Marco Conceição (ESMAE - P.Porto); Maria Manuela Lopes (ESE - P.Porto); Miguel Carvalhais (FBAUP); Olívia Marques da Silva (ESMAD - P.Porto); Oscar Rodrigues (Digitópia - Casa da Música); Paulo Bernardino Bastos (DeCA - UA); Pedro Santos (ESMAE - P.Porto); Pedro Amado (FBAUP); Ricardo Melo (Fraunhofer); Rodrigo Carvalho (FBAUP); Rui Penha (ESMAE - P.Porto); Rui Rodrigues - Chair (ESMAD - P.Porto); Rui Torres (UFP);
Bruno Pereira (ESMAE); Horácio Marques (ESMAD); Luís Leite (ESMAD); Rui Rodrigues (ESMAD)
Hugo Mesquita (ESMAD); João Azevedo (ESMAD); Pedro Santos (ESMAE); Tiago Dionísio (ESMAD)
6 June 15h Auditório Luís Soares (ESMAD)
Felipe Shibuya is a visual artist and ecologist from Brazil. He explores the captivating intersection of art and science, with a deep focus on biology and ecology. His work aims to reveal nature's visuality in its colors, shapes, and patterns. By converting intricate scientific data into digestible content, he aims to democratize knowledge and pique curiosity, thereby encouraging a more enlightened, engaged, and just society. In his work, he harmoniously blends different forms of media with scientific methods, including elements like sculptures, videos, bacterial cultures, and biomaterials. This fusion of art and science, made possible by his wide-ranging background, encourages a holistic approach that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. His work with bacterial colonies serves as an example: he nurtures these organisms until they produce visible pigments, forming the basis of his art. The resultant photographs, sculptures, and videos explore the journey from invisibility to visibility, broadening our perception and provoking dialogue about our relationship with these species. His goal is to shed light on our deep-rooted connections with nature, promoting the notion that we are an integral part of the ecosystem (especially when we see these colors). He believes that understanding and embracing this interconnectedness is vital for a truly sustainable future. Currently, he teaches at the Rhode Island School of Design, in the Department of Experimental and Foundation Studies. His work has been shown in galleries across continents—from the Portugal to Uruguay—and has been featured in prestigious publications including National Geographic and Ecology.
7 June 15h00 Auditório (Centro de Cultura do P.Porto)
Mónica Santos is a multifaceted author with two Sophia awards from the Portuguese Film Academy and a nomination for the César from the French Film Academy. With a distinct artistic perspective, she constructs universes that reimagine the real, imparting them a poetic and surreal outlook that expands our perception. After finishing her master's degree at the Royal College of Art, as a Gulbenkian fellow, she worked on several genres. Nowadays, she splits her time between being a film director and an art director. The two short films she co-directed, "Amélia & Duarte," and "Between the Shadows," combine animation with real-world visuals and won awards both locally and internationally. She's a member of both the Portuguese Film Academy and the American Film Academy - Oscars. “Alma” has won several awards, and recently the film “O Casaco Rosa”, based on a fascist police inspector, was released, as was "Palma”, a story about mourning with surreal visuals.
7 June 10h30 Sala Teresa Macedo (ESMAE)
Óscar Rodrigues is a musician and educator from Porto, Portugal, who works mainly in the fields of classical music (with a focus on electronic music) and community and collaborative music. After graduating in Economics from the University of Porto he went on to study composition, and graduated in Composition from the Escola Superior de Música, Artes e Espectáculo (ESMAE), also in Porto. He later concluded a Masters degree in Composition and Music Theory (ESMAE), with a project in the area of Real-Time Composition that led to the creation of Instant Ensemble - Porto’s Real-Time Composition Ensemble, of which he is the artistic director, and another Masters degree in Music Teaching from the School of Arts of UCP - Porto, with research in the area of improvisation. He's currently the curator and team leader of Digitópia, at Casa da Música, a group dedicated to music creation and education using the facilitating power of technology, of which he's been a part of since 2010. Hismain activities at Casa da Música include the performance of electronic music with resident and guest ensembles (such as the Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música and the Remix Ensemble), with several national and world premieres, the development of workshops and educational programs, the artistic direction of educational concerts, software programming, and research and development, with a special mention to the recent creation of PEMS, Porto Electronic Music Symposium, an international meeting point of different people working on music and technology, which also includes concerts, workshops, keynotes, roundtables, and others. As a composer, he has published and recorded works for various formations and media, from solo instrument to orchestra, chamber music and music for film, theater and dance.
6 June 10h30 Auditório Luís Soares (ESMAD)
Rui Torres studied Communication Sciences, Romance Languages and Literatures, Semiotics, and currently analyzes, in his pedagogical and creative practice, how these areas intersect and transform with digital media. He is a full professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University Fernando Pessoa in Porto, where he completed his habilitation in Information Sciences - Multimedia Studies, and has been a guest professor at various universities in Portugal and abroad. He is a member of the Culture, Mediation and Arts Research Group at ICNOVA - NOVA's Communication Institute, and collaborates with the Digital Mediation and Materialities of Literature Group at the Center for Portuguese Literature at the University of Coimbra. A member of the Board of Directors of the ELO - Electronic Literature Organization, he coordinates the Cibertextualidades book collection (FFP Publications) and is co-editor of the Electronic Literature Series (Bloomsbury Publishing). He is the coordinator of the Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature (www-po-ex.net) and a researcher on the project FICTRANS - Transmedialización e Hibridación de Ficción y no Ficción en la Cultura Mediática Contemporánea, at the University of Granada, Spain. His publications and creative works in electronic literature are available at www.telepoesis.net.
Creative Lab
The Hackathon InterMediArtes (HIMA) is a multidisciplinary creative laboratory that connects the arts with emerging technologies. This intensive and experimental creative space is made up of students from ESMAE's Masters in Art and Sound Technology and ESMAD's Masters in Interactive Digital Media, as well as students from other courses looking to cross disciplines and explore media arts and interaction. Every year we open a call for students from other courses, to stimulate these disciplinary crossings. This is a registration form for those students wishing to take part in this initiative, which takes place at P.Porto's Culture Center and ESMAD's Blackbox. The projects developed at HIMA will be presented to the public on the last day of Intermediartes.
Applications are now open for the five external places in the Intermediartes Hackathon
application formBruno Pereira (ESMAE); Horácio Marques (ESMAD); Hugo Mesquita (ESMAD); Pedro Santos (ESMAE); Luís Leite (ESMAD); Tiago Dionísio (ESMAD); Rui Rodrigues (ESMAD)
June 4th at 6pm - Porto Culture Center (Casa do Marquês);
June 5th at 6pm - ESMAD Blackbox
June 7th from 2:30pm - Porto Culture Center (Casa do Marquês)
Stopmotion | Pixilation
By combining the characteristics of animated cinema with the real image, some of the secrets of the pixilation technique will be revealed: substitu- tion of objects and scenery, acceleration and deceleration movements, lines of action. What distinguishes pixilation from stop-motion is the use of the human figure as a model in the frame-by-frame register, thus manag- ing to animate living actors alongside inanimate objects. Pixilation and stop-motion animation-based techniques make it possible to explore and convey more abstract concepts, or to use metaphors and construct cinematic narratives that are more plastic in character, but at the same time understandable. Through pixilation, the real image enhances the human nature of the films, making it possible to highlight, for example, the facial emotions and body language of the actors. Stop-motion allows us to play with scales, transitions and challenge what is considered conventional, helping the surreal character of the narrative by enhancing the dreamlike side of animation. These are some of the resources that will allow you to create visual illusions that will result in short animation exercises.
Organized by Mónica Santos
June 6 - 9h30 : 13h00 / 14h30 : 18h00
Applications are now open for five places in the Intermediartes Workshop
application formShort Papers, Artworks
Intermediartes 2024 is open to proposals for articles in the form of short papers and artworks, which will be blind reviewed by both the scientific committee and the artistic committee. The articles have the opportunity to be published in the Conference Proceedings (in digital format).
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to: intermediartes@esmad.ipp.pt
Short Papers, Artworks/Performances
Short Papers
Article submission -> April 14th (Last Call)
Communicating results -> May 4th
Camera Ready Version -> May 12th
Article submission -> April 14th (Last Call)
Communicating results -> May 4th
Camera Ready Version -> May 12th