June 3th to 6th 2025

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Conference on Media, Arts and Interaction

International Conference on Media, Arts and Interaction. Intermediartes mission is to promote the intersection between the arts and technologies through a series of interdisciplinary activities. This Conference aims to be an interface and a space for dialog and discussion, where the different overlaps of media, arts and interaction awaken new creative approaches in the various fields, bringing together academia, artists and the surrounding community. The focus of Intermediartes is to boost new learning by complementing the training of all those involved, but also to encourage artistic and scientific dissemination.

The 7th edition of Intermediartes will take place between June 3 and 6, with the theme Rhizomatic Connections: Creative Contaminations in Interdisciplinary Practices.

We entered 2025 with the feeling that the agents, actions, productions and systems that make up society will be more polarised, individualised, radicalised, centralised and hierarchical than ever before. A regimented whole in which some parts are more important than others, control others, have more opportunities than others, where some live better and others don't even survive. In the Deleuzian and Guattarian postulate, this will be, perhaps metaphorically, the system of the trunk and the branches and the roots, in which the former will be the first, the important, and the latter, the rest; in other words, a hierarchical and verticalised system, even if it is made up of branches and disciplines that are full contributors to the system-this that has never understood the true greatness of multiplicity and non-subordinate interaction. A Rhizome, instead of being a system or regime of linear development or progression, made up of hierarchical connections, is an alinear context, made up of multiple, ubiquitous, all-between-all connections, which contribute in a non-verticalised and borderless way to the context. Returning to Deleuze and Guattari (1987) ‘The rhizome is reducible neither to the One nor the multiple (...) It is composed not of units but of dimensions, or rather directions in motion.’ A Rhizome is, we might say, made up of lateral, decentralised, proliferating and interconnected relationships. A heterogeneous system that doesn't distinguish between the individual and the collective, to which all parts contribute equally, even if with different contributions and contaminations, where all parts live and survive within it, whether they are more similar or completely different, which makes it more resilient and gives it a greater and higher creative, manifesting and expressive potential. There is another relevant aspect: the work created by various agents, which is heterogeneous, is more original, unique and inimitable precisely because it shares, incorporates, in its trait, a diversity of dreams, thoughts and actions. Rhizomatic Connections: Creative Contaminations in Interdisciplinary Practices, while not an exclusive call, as that would contradict the very essence of the theme, is a call for this year's proposals to be inspired by interdisciplinarity and to inspire collaboration, contamination, sharing, co-creation, co-responsibility and co-production.

Intermediartes therefore invites academics, researchers, artists and professionals to submit theoretical, practical or experimental research articles in the form of papers, and/or artworks and performances that should explore, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Creativity
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Creative Programming
  • Digital and Interactive Media
  • Digital Art
  • Net Art
  • Digital Puppetry
  • Imersive Media
  • Generative Art
  • Generative Artificial Intelligence
  • Immersive Experiences
  • Interaction Design
  • Interactive Storytelling
  • Interactivity in Performing Arts
  • Live Interfaces
  • Physical Computing
  • Performance and Interactive Animation
  • Sound and Interactivity
  • Video Mapping
  • Virtual and Interactive Environments

Organizing Committee


Bruno Pereira (ESMAE); Horácio Marques (ESMAD); Luís Leite (ESMAD); Rui Rodrigues (ESMAD)


Hugo Mesquita (ESMAD); João Azevedo (ESMAD); Pedro Santos (ESMAE); Tiago Dionísio (ESMAD)

Scientific Committee

Ana Carvalho (Universidade da Maia) André Baltazar (CITAR/UCP) Bruno Pereira - Chair (i2ADS/ESMAE/P.Porto) Bruno Giesteira (ID+/FBAUP) Carlos Caires (University of Saint Joseph) Emília Simão (Universidade Portucalense) Filipe Lopes (CIPEM/INET-md/ESMAD/P.PORTO) Gilberto Bernardes (INESC-TEC/FEUP) Horácio Tomé Marques - Chair (ID+/ESMAD/P.PORTO) José Alberto Gomes (CITAR/UCP); José Raimundo (ESD/IPCA); Luís Leite - Chair (ID+/ESMAD/P.PORTO); Marco Conceição (ESMAE/P.PORTO); Maria Manuela Lopes (ESE/P.PORTO); Miguel Carvalhais (i2ADS/FBAUP); Olívia Marques da Silva (ID+/ESMAD/P.PORTO); Paulo Bernardino (DeCA/UA); Pedro Amado (i2ADS/FBAUP); Ricardo Melo (Fraunhover Portugal AICOS); Rodrigo Carvalho (FBAUP); Rui Rodrigues - Chair (ID+/ESMAD/P.PORTO); Rui Torres (ICNOVA/Universidade Fernando Pessoa)

Artistic Committee

Álvaro de Brito Moreira (MIEC/CAAC); Bruno Pereira (ESMAE - P.Porto);Horácio Tomé Marques (ESMAD - P.Porto); Luís Leite (ESMAD - P.Porto)


ESMAD (Auditório Luís Soares, Blackbox); ESMAE (Teresa de Macedo); Centro de Memória


Creative Lab


Multidisciplinary creative lab

The Hackathon InterMediArtes (HIMA) is a multidisciplinary creative laboratory that connects the arts with emerging technologies. This intensive and experimental creative space is made up of students from ESMAE's Masters in Art and Sound Technology and ESMAD's Masters in Interactive Digital Media, as well as students from other courses looking to cross disciplines and explore media arts and interaction. Every year we open a call for students from other courses, to stimulate these disciplinary crossings. This is a registration form for those students wishing to take part in this initiative, which takes place at P.Porto's Culture Center and ESMAD's Blackbox. The projects developed at HIMA will be presented to the public on the last day of Intermediartes.


Bruno Pereira (ESMAE); Horácio Marques (ESMAD); Hugo Mesquita (ESMAD); Pedro Santos (ESMAE); Luís Leite (ESMAD); Tiago Dionísio (ESMAD); Rui Rodrigues (ESMAD)


ESMAD; ESMAE; Centro de Memória (Claraboia, Cocheira, Torre)





Under the theme, Rhizomatic Connections: Creative Contaminations in Interdisciplinary Practices, Intermediartes 2025 welcomes proposals for papers, which will be blind reviewed by a scientific committee. The paper will then be published in the Conference Proceedings (in digital format).

The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.

Review process:

  • The submission of papers must respect the defined deadlines and in accordance with the defined template;
  • Each paper submitted will be reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Committee. The papers will be reviewed using a blind review model, in a process that will assess the originality and relevance of the paper, as well as the artistic and technical results;
  • Once the review process has been completed, the corresponding author(s) will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of the submitted paper. In the event of acceptance, the author(s) must submit the camera-ready version by the deadline set by the Intermediartes Chairs. Authors should consider the recommendations for improvement suggested by the reviewers;
  • If the recommendations made by the reviewers have not been taken into account when writing the final version of the paper, the Scientific Committee reserves the right not to include that paper in Intermediartes 2025.

Specific information for submitting Papers:

  • Papers should describe finalised research/work or work in progress, but with relevant preliminary results to be discussed. Papers can also be submitted based on artwork that has been submitted in the "Artworks" section. In these cases, the submission must respect the specific information and scientific rigour mentioned here;
  • Submissions should be limited to a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages (according to the template provided). References are not included in the page limit;
  • Papers should respect the instructions for authors and the template in word format provided here and should be submitted via the Microsoft CMT platform. The corresponding author must create an account on this platform and submit the paper via the following link:
  • If necessary, include an appendix in word format (.doc or .docx) with additional documentation to the paper, as well as links to multimedia files (audio, video, preview of the work...) relevant to the review process by the scientific committee, such as documentation, audio, video, preview of the work, URLs, etc;
  • Information that makes it possible to identify the authors should be excluded. Authors' names, affiliations should not appear in the initial version, and this information should only be included in the camera-ready version;
  • Papers can be written in Portuguese or English (UK) and the style used should be APA 7th edition (as indicated in the template provided). In the final version of the paper, images and other multimedia files must be attached as separate files. Images must be sent with a minimum resolution of 150 dpi in PNG or JPG format;
  • The camera-ready of the paper to be submitted must contain: i) a final version in ‘.pdf’ format; ii) a final version in .doc or .docx format; iii) all additional files with the indications listed in the previous points;
  • Images and multimedia files must be authorised for publication.

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to:

Download Template





Intermediartes 2025 is open to proposals for artistic works, which will be considered by an artistic curatorial committee (ACC) that will curate this section of the Conference. The Artworks submitted will be analyzed and may be selected for one or more of the following exhibition modalities:

Exhibition modalities:

  • Public presentation in a physical space;
  • Publication of the work's documentation on the Intermediartes website;
  • publication of the work's documentation in the Conference Proceedings (in digital format).

Selection process:

  • Artwork submissions must respect the established deadlines and comply with the requirements outlined in the online submission process.
  • Each work (artwork) will be analyzed by the Intermediartes 2025 ACC.
  • The selection criteria will prioritize
    1. Quality and consistency of the work, particularly its uniqueness and relevance.
    2. Contextualization in the author(s)' career [this criterion does not disadvantage young artists with potentially shorter careers in comparison to established artists]
    3. Connection to the general theme of Intermediartes 2025.
  • The selection of artworks will take into account their particular characteristics, constituents and aspects and their suitability for the Intermediartes 2025 curatorial framework;
  • After the selection process, the Intermediartes organization will notify all authors who have submitted artworks, informing them whether or not they have been selected/accepted;
  • In the event of selection/acceptance, if any aspects need to be clarified, the ACC may contact the author(s) to clarify them and/or, if necessary, propose adjustments to the implementation or documentation;
  • If the suggested adjustments (regarding implementation or documentation) cannot be made, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to exclude the artwork from Intermediartes 2025.


  • The essence of the artwork - form, character and substance, whether visual, sound, static, animated or performative - is entirely open”. However, the submitted documentation must clearly define the conceptual and technical elements that compose the artwork. The documentation submitted must be clear about the elements that make up the artwork, both in conceptual and technical terms;
  • Given the uniqueness of the artistic visions and, possibly, the specificities of the implementation of each artwork, Intermediartes cannot guarantee the availability of all the necessary resources for them. Any required support must be explicitly stated in the technical rider, which is an essential part of the submission materials.

Each submission must include:

  1. Document with:
    • Abstract with a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 200;
    • Expository text with a minimum of 800 words and a maximum of 1800;
    • A representative image of the artwork (at least one, up to a maximum of three), with a minimum width of 1920 pixels (height relative to proportion)
    • URL to a site with documentation on the submitted artwork, including previews (e.g. photos, videos)
  2. Artistic and Technical Rider with:
    • Details (as much as possible) about the implementation and local development;
    • Diagrams and/or other images, where appropriate;
    • Equipment/technical needs (e.g. projection, sound).
    • Within these:
    • Which are provided by the authors;
    • Which, if any, Intermediartes needs to supply.
  3. Online
    • In the case of online implementation and development, the information should cover aspects related to, e.g., type of server, languages/systems that guarantee the functionality(ies), planned disk space.

Artwork submission information:

  • Artworks must follow the instructions above and must be submitted via the Microsoft CMT platform. The corresponding author must create an account on this platform and submit the article from the following link:
  • Artworks can be written in Portuguese or English (UK) and the standard used should be APA 7th edition.
  • Images and multimedia files must be authorized for publication.


Papers, Artworks


Papers, Artworks


Article submission -> March 30th

Communicating results -> May 4th

Camera Ready Version -> May 11th


Article submission -> March 30th

Communicating results -> May 4th

Camera Ready Version -> May 11th